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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Benchmarks and signposts

Brief notes on a few recent developments.

  • Wild Thing's reading skills are still growing. He's gaining confidence and can often read a complete sentence and make sense of it with a bit of prompting. He still jumps to guess a word on the basis of a couple of letters sometimes, but is increasingly patient enough to sound them out. He still limits most of his reading to things he's not officially supposed to be reading; his own books he's much rather we read to him most of the time, so we learn about new words he knows when he reads them off a sign.
  • WT also has found his first teacher that he actively doesn't like. It's not entirely clear what happened, but there seems to have been some sort of diaper change/potty usage dispute. Whatever the cause, he will now announce on the weekend--"It's not a school day? Good. Now I don't have to see Vanessa!"*
  • The return from daylight savings time has been hard on everyone's sleep schedule...

* Not her real name, of course ...


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