Partial View

The obligatory blog.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The good news, scatology edition

So, Wild Thing has been a fiesty little fellow lately. I leave him at his little table at breakfast to go make coffee, and hear him yelling behind me, "Daddy, 's this OK?" I return to see him sitting mostly upside down in his chair, feet up on the back. I encourage him to return to a more appropriate posture. I'm grinding the coffee; I hear "Daddy, 's this OK?" You get the idea.

The good news is that while enjoying diaper-free time this evening, Wild Thing started micturating on the floor. OK, that's not the good news. The good news is that after I scooped him up and placed him on his Sponge Bob potty seat, he actually took a dump in the toilet. I've never been so happy to see someone's feces in my entire life. This could be the start of a good thing.


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