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Thursday, March 02, 2006

Morning thrills

In the morning, Wild Thing and I sometimes wait outside with the Overworked Spouse (OS) for her carpool. Said carpool sometimes runs pretty late, as it did this morning, giving us a lot of time to explore things on and around our cul-de-sac.

This morning, the most interesting thing Wild Thing found in our neighborhood was some unclaimed dog poop on the sidewalk. It actually wasn't that new--we'd seen it a day or so ago, too--but the fact that it was still there seemed to make a real impression on him. It also seems to be setting in that dog poop is, in many respects, comparable to his own. "I cannot touch it!" he exclaimed, staring at it. "It's brown!"

We tried to encourage WT to return to our driveway, so that OS wouldn't confuse the carpool. WT was resistant. "I want to look at dog poop one more minute!" I guess everyone needs a hobby.


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