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Sunday, May 14, 2006

The blame game

Tonight, Wild Thing began hitting me, mostly playfully, with his stuffed Pooh. I asked him to stop--hitting people hurts, after all--and was told "I'm not hitting--Pooh is doing it!"

I have some faint recollection of blaming inanimate objects for my transgressions, and (like many among us) have a long history of trying to evade responsibility for things that are really my fault. But I never knew it started quite this early. Feh.

Update: This morning, confronted with a sticker stuck to the wall, WT argued thusly: "I didn't put it there. James did it!" James, as many parents/guardians of preschoolers will recognize, is one of Thomas the Tank Engine's friends. I pointed out that James doesn't have any fingers, which seemed pretty exculpatory to me.


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