No easily transcribed bits of Wild Cuteness this weekend, so I'm offering a digest version of some recent items of (perhaps minimal) interest. Though readership here is increasing(hi Ancrene!)--and could soon hit double-digits (!)--I did start this mostly to keep track of WT's development. You've been warned.
WT loves to type at the computer keyboard. ("I want to type some letters and some NUM-bers.") He's particularly interested in typing his own name, as well as "daddy," "mommy," "Granny," and "Ernie." (Well, at least it isn't Elmo.) When he started, he only knew that his name started with, um, its first letter, and ended in, well, the last letter. Now, though, he only needs prompting on the next-to-last letter. Go, WT, go! He also knows that "mommy," "daddy," and "granny" end in 'y'.
His sense of humor is entering an experimental phase in which he tries to insert words into inappropriate contexts to get a laugh. He'll be looking at his grapes, and say something like "Oh! It's not grapes! It's a crocodile!" Or I'll tell him the window is made of glass, and he'll say, "It's not glass! It's noo-noo-nah-noo!"
This last construction is a recent development. He's always arranging letters on the fridge, standing back, and saying "That spells 'noo-noo-nah-noo!'" We have no idea where this comes from, but it certainly amuses him.
I think he was having too much fun this weekend to say anything really priceless, though. Hiking, throwing rocks in the bay, two different playgrounds, and a klezmer band--not bad for a two-year-old ...