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Thursday, November 02, 2006

Halloween Report

As some of you may be aware, we have a very stubborn little boy on our hands here.

Case in point: the Halloween costume. For several days before the holiday, he asked about the costume--a pullover toucan, though we called it a parrot, just to keep it simple--with some regularity, even agreeing to try it on. But as we prepared to get out of the car in the designated neighborhood for trick-or-treating, Wild Thing suddenly wasn't so wild about the costume anymore:

"I don't want to wear that. NO!"

So we walked across the street to the neighborhood bookstore to negotiate. I assumed that his resistance would end once we explained to him that no one was going to give him any candy unless he put on a costume. That assumption was incorrect. He refused to even say so much as "trick or treat" to the nice high school student who was handing out candy at the bookstore. He did, however, flash her his winningest smile and began wrapping her around his little finger, for which he was rewarded not only with candy but with a job offer of sorts. Soon he was handing out candy to other (costumed) preschoolers.

So, he never did put on the costume. We stayed in the bookstore for about an hour, watching as costumes wandered by and as Wild Thing occasionally mooched candy from other preschoolers.

Watch this space to see if Wild Thing agrees to taste the cranberry sauce later this month. My bet is no...


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