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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Energy crisis

We've been trying to coax Wild Thing into eating in a more focused way by explaining to him that food has energy in it, and that his stomach turns the food into energy, and all that stuff. He also knows, though, that poop comes out of the general vicinity of his stomach, and that it has some connection to eating, since we are always talking about how blueberries turn his poop blue, for instance.

(I hope no one is eating this while eating lunch--if so, many apologies!)

This, then, is the background for interpreting his recent comment during a potty sit, during which he exclaimed, half-jokingly, as he successfully excreted into the toilet: "Oh no! My energy is falling into the potty!"

We may have to do a better job coordinating our potty-training and dinner-eating regimens.


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